Saturday, 25 October 2014

Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

 Terjemahan Al Quran Biography

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Alif, Laam, Miim.

Allah tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia, Yang Tetap Hidup, Yang Kekal selama-lamanya mentadbirkan sekalian makhlukNya.
Ia menurunkan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) Kitab Suci (Al-Quran) dengan mengandungi kebenaran, yang mengesahkan isi Kitab-kitab Suci yang telah diturunkan dahulu daripadanya, dan Ia juga yang menurunkan Kitab-kitab Taurat dan Injil.
Sebelum (Al-Quran diturunkan), menjadi petunjuk bagi umat manusia. Dan Ia juga yang menurunkan Al-Furqaan (yang membezakan antara yang benar dengan yang salah). Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang kufur ingkar akan ayat-ayat keterangan Allah itu, bagi mereka azab seksa yang amat berat. Dan (ingatlah), Allah Maha Kuasa, lagi berhak membalas dengan azab seksa (kepada golongan yang bersalah).
Sesungguhnya Allah tidak tersembunyi kepadaNya sesuatu pun yang ada di bumi dan juga yang ada di langit.
Dia lah yang membentuk rupa kamu dalam rahim (ibu kamu) sebagaimana yang dikehendakiNya. Tiada Tuhan (yang berhak disembah) melainkan Dia, Yang Maha Kuasa, lagi Maha Bijaksana.
Dia lah yang menurunkan kepadamu (wahai Muhammad) Kitab Suci Al-Quran. Sebahagian besar dari Al-Quran itu ialah ayat-ayat "Muhkamaat" (yang tetap, tegas dan nyata maknanya serta jelas maksudnya); ayat-ayat Muhkamaat itu ialah ibu (atau pokok) isi Al-Quran. Dan yang lain lagi ialah ayat-ayat "Mutasyaabihaat" (yang samar-samar, tidak terang maksudnya). Oleh sebab itu (timbulah faham yang berlainan menurut kandungan hati masing-masing) - adapun orang-orang yang ada dalam hatinya kecenderungan ke arah kesesatan, maka mereka selalu menurut apa yang samar-samar dari Al-Quran untuk mencari fitnah dan mencari-cari Takwilnya (memutarkan maksudnya menurut yang disukainya). Padahal tidak ada yang mengetahui Takwilnya (tafsir maksudnya yang sebenar) melainkan Allah. Dan orang-orang yang tetap teguh serta mendalam pengetahuannya dalam ilmu-ilmu agama, berkata:" Kami beriman kepadanya, semuanya itu datangnya dari sisi Tuhan kami" Dan tiadalah yang mengambil pelajaran dan peringatan melainkan orang-orang yang berfikiran.
(Mereka berdoa dengan berkata): "Wahai Tuhan kami! Janganlah Engkau memesongkan hati kami sesudah Engkau beri petunjuk kepada kami, dan kurniakanlah kepada kami limpah rahmat dari sisiMu; sesungguhnya Engkau jualah Tuhan Yang melimpah-limpah pemberianNya.
"Wahai Tuhan kami! Sesungguhnya Engkaulah yang akan menghimpunkan sekalian manusia, untuk (menerima balasan pada) suatu hari (hari kiamat) yang tidak ada syak padanya". Sesungguhnya Allah tidak memungkiri janjiNya.
Sebenarnya harta benda orang-orang kafir, dan juga anak-pinak mereka tidak sekali-kali akan menyelamatkan mereka dari (azab seksa) Allah sedikit juapun; dan mereka itulah bahan bakaran api neraka.

 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 

 Terjemahan Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Tafsir Al Quran Biography

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Amongst the countless blessings which Almighty Allah has bestowed upon the Muslims is that He has preserved their religion for them and provided the appropriate means for Islam to be safeguarded and preserved, in that He has raised erudite scholars through whom the Sunnah of the Noble Prophet, Muhammad ibn Abdullaah (S), the seal of the prophets, has been preserved. Thus the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Prophet (S) provide evidence against mankind. One of the scholars through whom Allah preserved the Sunnah was Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal (Rahimahullah), and one of the books that he wrote to preserve the Sunnah is al-Musnad, which is one of the major collections of the noble Sunnah.

Muslim scholars, particularly hadeeth scholars, were keen on ahaadeeth with few narrators between the hadeeth reporter and the Prophet (S). In fact, Imaam Ahmad reported more than three hundred "thulaathiyyaat", ahaadeeth with only three narrators between him and the Prophet (S). These ahaadeeth were collected from al-Musnad by Shaikh Muhammad ibn Ahmad ibn Saalim as-Saffaareenee al-Hanbalee (Rahimahullah) in a separate book.

This example clearly points to the great care shown by hadeeth scholar to the Prophet's Sunnah, as they were keen to compile the Sunnah with the soundest chains of narrators (isnaad) and convey it in the easiest manner possible, from leading scholars of hadeeth who were of extremely good character and who approached the reports with accuracy and deep knowledge, in compliance with to the Prophet's instructions: "Convey [whatever you learn] Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Picturesfrom me. even if it is just one verse." (Narrated by al-Bukhaaree) 

 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

 Tafsir Al Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Quran Online English Biography

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 The English translation of the Quran attributed to the name M. H. Shakir has been widely available in print since the 1980s. It is probably the most widely accessible English translation of the Quran on websites, including reputable academic websites such as the following:

    University of Virginia Library
    University of Michigan, University Library
    University of Southern California, Muslim Students Association (USC-MSA)

A comparison shows the Shakir translation to be an entire and wholesale plagiarism of the first, 1917, edition of the English translation of the Holy Quran by Maulana Muhammad Ali, with alterations in a few places to reflect more traditional interpretations. Even these alterations have not been made consistently and have obviously been forgotten to be done in some places. The main changes are as follows:

    Translations of the titles of a few chapters have been changed in order to reflect certain traditional interpretations. For example, the title of chapter 5 is translated as The Dinner Table instead of The Food, and that of chapter 27 as The Ant instead of treating the original An-Naml as a proper noun as Maulana Muhammad Ali does.

    The abbreviations in the Quran, known as muqatta‘at, for example Alif, Lam, Mim in 2:1, are given verbatim, while Maulana Muhammad Ali translated into English the words that these letters are considered to stand for, as reported by some ancient authorities.

    Names of prophets are given in Shakir in their Arabic form rather than the Biblical English form (for example, Musa for Moses and Isa for Jesus as in 2:87 etc.). Similarly, the word shaitan is not translated as devil but given in its Arabic form.
A few changes have been made in the stories of the prophets to reflect a traditional interpretation. Examples are the story of Harut and Marut in 2:102, the story of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba in 27:20 and 27:44, and of course the death of Jesus in 3:55 and 4:157–158.

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Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   
Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures    
 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   
 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   
 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures  
 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   
 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures    
Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   
 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

 Quran Online English Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

Online Quran Teaching Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Online Quran Teaching Biography

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Learning The Quran Online has been one of most helpful and effective procedures that assist Muslims all around the world about the teaching of Quran and about Islam. The motive of our institute is to provide Qur’an lesson classes in an easy and flexible way to kids and elders at their home, it’s easier than you can think. Now you and your kids can gain the knowledge of Islam at their home in front of your eyes, so no need to drive your kids far away to a mosque to learn Quran with Tajweed. We can help you to read Quraan with proper rules of Tajweed and improve your recitation of Quran. Alhamdulillah since 2005 thousands of people have finished and memorized the holy Qur’an from our institute. It does not matter that how young or old you are or if you are a beginner, with the help of our highly qualified tutors we will start guiding you from basic Noorani Qaida lessons gradually improving to the higher level of Tajweed. Our institute has the most effective program of learning Quran through internet. More than 5000 students have benefited through it and many are benefiting, Learn Quran On Skype with us. You want to give it a try and see how these online classes so register now for free 1 week trial and see for your own self call us now on 001 201 7938133 for any assistance.

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 Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

 Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

  Online Quran Teaching  Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures   

I Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

I Quran Biography

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 Few books in history have been as important or as poorly understood as the Qur'an. Sent down in a series of revelations to the Prophet Muhammad, the Qur'an is the unmediated word of Allah: a ritual, political, and legal authority, an ethical and spiritual guide, and a literary masterpiece. It is revered by Muslims throughout the world, in whom it inspires devotion, passion, fear, and sometimes incomprehension.

In this book, one of the launch titles in the Atlantic Monthly Press's Books That Changed the World series, distinguished historian of religion Bruce Lawrence shows precisely how the Qur'an is Islam. He describes the origins of the faith and assesses its tremendous influence on today's societies and politics. Above all, Lawrence emphasizes that the Qur'an is a sacred book of signs that has no single message. It is a book that demands interpretation and one that can be properly understood only through its history. Lawrence's work is a beautifully written and, in these increasingly troubled times, invaluable introduction to and exploration of the core sacred text of Islam.

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