Monday 20 October 2014

Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Quran Download Biography

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   A short primer on the history of Islam and the Quran. Good for those unfamiliar with Islam but want to learn but people who are already knowledgeable on the subject may want to skip this book. The book does not serve the purpose of introducing the Quran especially to the non-muslims, who have a very worng undersatnding of THE BOOK THAT CHANGED THE WORLD.My expectation when I took this book off the shelf was finding more about the Holy Qur'an contents. Not sure what I was looking for, but this book gave a view from a different angle than I would expect. It contains stories of 13 persons and how Al Qur'an had dominated their actions and decisions in an important stage of their lives. Included in the book were Prophet's life, Aishah, Taj Mahal and Osama bin Laden.I found this book tremendously informative and uplifting. The many different interpretations of the Qur'an are really fascinating! It includes perspectives from Muhammad himself (Muslims traditionally follow his name with a showing of reverence, such as "Peace Be Upon Him" or "PBUH" for short), to great poets, the architectural masterpieces of the Dome of the Rock and Taj Mahal, Islamic rationalists, the American post-racial Muslim leader W. D. Mohammed, and even the fringe violence of Osama bin...moreIf the purpose of this book was to give readers a glimpse of what the quran is all about then to me it was not that clear. However since I am a little familiar with the history and contents of the Quran therefore I could understand the views it was trying to give from how the islamic figures use the Quran as a book that co-relates with their thinking.

But for someone who just wants to know what the Quran is all bout without having to read it, I wouldn't recommend this book since it can be quite...more
A balanced account of the different interpretations of the Quran through out the ages.

There is danger in entrusting the interpretation of the Holy Book in the hands of psychopaths the likes of Bin Laden, who picks and chooses the verses that suits his evil purpose. The same applies in trusting those interpreters who seek to subjugate women.

The problem is never the Holiest of Books. It is always these mad interpreters, who cannot keep their warped interpretations to themselves and instead preferr...more

 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 

 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 

 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 

 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 

 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures 
 Quran Download Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures

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