Tanzil Quran Biography
Source (google.com.pk)Since the day of the revelation of the Quran and its realization in
the tongue of the Arab Prophet (S), all Muslims, starting from
the Companions of the Prophet (S), theTabi‘un(the second
generation of Muslims who saw the Companions) Muslim
'Ulama'ulamaandexperts in the art of recitation of the Quran, have
been showing such
great care and meticulousness that was never seen for any of the
heavenly Scriptures.
The large number of books written about the Quranic sciences
ever since the earliest Islamic centuries by the scholars, exegetes, the
readers of the Quran and the intellectuals are enough to substantiate this
claim. In order to study it, discuss it and probe into the intricacies and
mysteries of this Divine Book they travelled in various directions, and
traversed the untrodden paths and far-flung lands in order to pursue
their academic interest.
From the sixth/ twelfth century the European scholars also
followed the same path, imitating their Oriental counterparts, started
studying the issues related to the history and exegesis of the Quran and
compiling books on the Quran and its commentaries methodically from the
academic point of view with great care.
During the recent years, the Germans took up a great and
commendable job. The Scientific Society of Munich of present
Germany made great efforts regarding this Exalted Book, and decided
to collect all original sources related to the Holy Quran and the books
written about the Quranic sciences, such as the exegeses and glossaries
of Quranic terms, symbols and metaphors, by all possible means.
Mr. G. Bergstraesser (1) the German Orientalist and scholar, was
appointed for performing this task in view of his expertise. He started
working in this field, and when he died in 1933 the aforementioned
society assigned this job and its pursuance to Dr. Ottopretzl. This
professor wrote a letter to the Academie Arabe of Damascus stating:
For the convenience and information of our friends we have resolved to write
every verse of the Quran in specific pages copying from all the known
manuscripts available to us, obtained from the olcodices of the Quran, with different
forms of recitation (qira’at) as found in different text, along with
their various expositions, which have been written and published during the
course of time according to their successive order indicating the centuries, for
the common benefit of all with a view that all details put together may be
accessible to anybody who is interested in this subject, so that he may be
saved from the trouble of referring to different books, exegeses and sources.
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
Tanzil Quran Quran Quotes Wallpapers Pak cover Sharif Verses Images Book Pender Images Pics Pictures
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